As Love Island’s Jack Fincham is released on bail after being jailed for six weeks following repeated attacks from his ‘out of control’ dog, a canine expert has issued a chilling warning about this ‘killing machine’ breed
A newly popular dog breed has been dubbed the “XL bully on steroids” and is sparking concern among canine experts.
Cane Corsos are an Italian breed of mastiff believed to have descended from Roman war dogs. Known for their formidable size and strength – and powerful bite – they are fiercely protective of their owners, with their name originating from the Latin ‘Cohors’ – ‘guardian’. However, this ancient protective streak can lead to aggression without suitable training, with frightening consequences. Although these imposing 50kg guard dogs are legal to own, they aren’t recognised by the Kennel Club, and many pet insurance companies will refuse to provide cover to owners.
A fashionable favourite, celeb owners include footballer Marcus Rashford and rapper Meghan Thee Stallion, but there has also been a rise in ordinary households owning the breed up and down the country. There are currently more than 200 Cane Corsos for sale on Pets4Home, with dog lovers paying between £500 and £1,800 to bring the on-trend hound home. However, some fully grown pets can be purchased for as little as £75.
Today Love Island star Jack Fincham was jailed for six weeks after his “out of control” Cane Corso Elvis attacked attacked a man. Jack pleaded guilty to two counts of being in charge of a dangerously out of control dog, with one of the incidents causing injury at Southend Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday However, it is understood he was freed on bail while he appeals the sentence. And now an expert has issued a stark warning about the beast they refer to as a “killing machine”.
Nowadays, owners of XL bullies must obtain an exemption certificate and muzzle their animal in public. Following this so-called ‘ban,’ those on the hunt for ‘status’ dogs are instead turning to unbanned hounds – including the Cane Corso, which currently doesn’t require a muzzle or a certificate.
Commenting on this dangerous trend, canine behaviour specialist Rob Alleyne, told The Times: “The cane corso is like an XL bully on steroids. It’s a killing machine and they’ve become much more popular now. [The ban] has just pushed people towards an even worse dog that doesn’t need to be registered and God help us if they become too popular.”
Mr Alleyne, who runs the Canine Instructor Academy in Suffolk, continued: “I certainly know my trainees are now seeing more cane corso dogs [in their own training classes] than they used to.
“I just think it’s history repeating itself. We saw it happen with the pitbull terrier. When they banned the pitbull terrier, what did we get? We got a dog far more dangerous than the pitbull terrier. They just made a new one worse than the preceding one: the XL bully. And then if we ban the cane corso, people will just go out and get something else.”
And after Jack Fincham’s violent dog repeatedly attacked members of the public, the potential consequences of owning the breed have become even more clear. Prosecutor Erin Peck told the court that the 32-year-old’s dog bit a runner, a man called Robert Sudell, in September 2022 in Swanley, Kent.
Ms Peck said that Mr Sudell had accepted an apology and that Fincham was going to be cautioned and attend a responsible dog ownership course. The reality star accepted a number of conditions, including making sure Elvis was muzzled. However, in June last year, Fincham was charged following a second incident in Grays, Essex.
On top of the jail sentence, Fincham was ordered to pay £3580 to the courts, plus a £200 compensation fee to one of the victims, which also includes a £50 compensation fee to the second victim.
During sentencing at Southend Magistrates’ Court, presiding magistrate Anne Wade made an order that the dog must be muzzled in public places, be kept on a lead and not be left alone with those under the age of 16. Stating, “We find no reason not to do so,” while handing down the jail sentence, Wade added: “The dog was in a public place not abiding by the conditions to be muzzled and kept on a lead.”
Earlier this month, RSPCA’s dog welfare expert and lead for dog control, Dr Samantha Gaines issued the following statement: “We’ve seen trends in different pets being used for antisocial behaviour and as, so-called, ‘status dogs’ in the past; from Staffordshire bull terriers to Rottweilers to, most recently, American XL Bullies.”
“Sadly, since the XL Bully was banned last year, it was inevitable attention would shift onto another large, powerful breed. But what’s most important to remember is the overwhelming majority of these big dogs are kept responsibly as part of loving families across the UK.”
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