A bride has been left devastated after her wedding photographer deleted all the photos of her big day in a ‘petty’ move that he made in response to a misunderstanding

Everyone wants their wedding to go smoothly, but sometimes things are out of your hands.

Your wedding day is said to be one of the happiest days of your life, but what if something catastrophic happens that takes away some of the joy from the event? You can plan every detail out in your head, but if one thing doesn’t go to plan it can be upsetting.

One bride was devastated when she discovered that the photographer she had hired for her wedding had gone behind her back and deleted every single photo he took of her big day before sending them to her – in a “petty” act of revenge for something that happened during the reception.

To make matters worse, the issue the man was upset about was actually just a misunderstanding on his part, so he deleted the bride and groom’s photos over nothing.

In a post on Reddit, the bride’s sister shared the story as she said the official photographer seemed “off” right from the start of the wedding, as he looked like he’d “rather be anywhere else”.

When it came to the reception, the photographer asked the bride if she would mind if he had something to eat, and she responded: “Of course not, go for it!”. But the photographer misunderstood her answer, so he ended up walking out of the wedding and ultimately deleted her photos.

The bride’s sister wrote: “Eventually, we get to the reception, and food is served buffet style, which was lovely. We were all sat down when I heard the photographer approach the bride and groom and ask, ‘Would you mind if I got myself some food?’ My sister responded, ‘Of course not, go for it!’

“I think you can see where I’m going with this. He took ‘No, I don’t mind’ as ‘No, you may not’. He just said ‘Okay’ and walked out, vanishing for the night, and didn’t come back.”

The bride and groom were later able to track him down, and he told them he walked out because he “wasn’t allowed to eat at the buffet”, which left them “dumbfounded” as they knew they had told him he could help himself to food.

Commenters on the post were left confused by the photographer’s actions, as many said that what the bride said wasn’t vague in the slightest. It clearly laid out that she was happy for him to have something to eat, and there was no room for misinterpreting her response.

One person said: “This is wild, it always bothers me when people are asked ‘do you mind’ and they respond in the affirmative when really they should be saying they don’t mind. Your sister was completely correct in what she said. And she made it pretty clear with the ‘go for it’. How bizarre.”

But another suggested: “The correct answer to ‘do you mind…’ if you don’t mind is definitely ‘no’, but colloquially, it’s honestly gotten to the point where it’s ambiguous, so I’ve stopped using it. I say, ‘is it ok…’ instead, because the answer is much clearer.”

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