Some furniture can’t be cleaned by traditional methods, but if they start smelling like they need a good clean, one drinks cabinet staple could help. Here’s how to use it

Wave goodbye to those pesky bad smells in your home.

We’re all familiar with the usual drill when it comes to cleaning. When our clothes, bedding, or cushions start to pong, it’s straight into the washing machine they go for a refresh.

But what happens when you’ve got furniture that can’t take a spin in the wash? Many of us have sofas, mattresses, and other soft furnishings that are just too bulky for the washing machine, and a quick vacuum won’t tackle any deep-seated stinks.

Fear not, cleaning enthusiasts have shared a genius tip online for banishing foul odours from unwashable items – and it’s likely lurking in your liquor cabinet.

Over on Reddit, one user sought advice for removing a “body odour stench” from her fixed sofa cushions after hosting a friend who “hadn’t showered in a week”.

She explained: “My boyfriend and I felt bad saying anything. It was honestly so bad it stunk up our apartment the entire week following. We deep-cleaned (being the neat freaks we are) the entire apartment head to toe… but that leaves our couch.

“It stinks so bad, and it’s been several weeks. We have no idea how to clean this and don’t have a steamer. Any cleaning gurus out there who can give us some ideas?”

Commenters on the post were quick to offer a medley of advice to the couple, with one hack really standing out. Cheap vodka, a staple in many a drinks cabinet, can do just the trick.

One commenter revealed: “I’ve seen a lot of people say that theatres clean BO smell out of non-washable costumes by spraying them with cheap vodka. You could do a test on the back of the couch to see if it negatively affects the texture or colour. Also, open windows and a fan can help dissipate odours.”

Echoing the sentiment, another chimed in: “I used to do this when I was broke in college and laundry was a pain! I would spray cheap vodka on clothes, and the smells would be removed! It works! It also gets glitter off hard surfaces really well. But the alcohol breaks down the odour-causing bacteria.”

Even household name and cleaning maven Martha Stewart has approved the hack. She once posted a video on Instagram that showed her spritzing vodka around the home. She gushed: “Say goodbye to musty smells.”

Other handy tips to banish unwanted odours from the woman’s sofa included employing baking soda, reaching for fabric sanitiser sprays, and even hiring a steam cleaner for a day. Job done!

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