A flight attendant has shared the reason why you should never clap when a plane lands, as it can be dangerous and come across as rude to the pilots – but it’s a personal choice

The plane touchdown applause is a divisive tradition among flyers.

Some decided to clap as a laugh these days, while others do it as a thank you or a sigh of relief after a shaky flight.

But you might want to wait before you prep your own applause performance after landing, as a flight attendant has dropped some inside information on TikTok that could change the way you act on-board.

Barbara Bacilieri isn’t one for the clapping craze. She explains in her TikTok video: “Although some passengers applaud upon landing, I don’t recommend it.”

Peek behind the curtain and you’ll find the pilots might not even catch wind of your cheers, thanks to the cockpit’s nifty sound barrier. Plus, early applause could jinx your safety – you’re not quite free from risk just because the wheels touched down.

Landing might be seen as a hair-rasising moment in flying, but drama can lurk even post-landing. Barbara, known online as @Barbiebac, advises hold off celebrating until the aircraft halts completely.

She points to spectacles like brake failure, sudden reverse thruster action, or tyres popping post-landing as reasons for keeping quiet. Up to that motionless point, surprises could still spring up that might warrant an urgent dash out rather than a round of applause.

While she doesn’t endorse clapping on a landing, Barbara Bacilieri adds a pinch of freedom to the debate: “Clapping or not is a personal choice,” she said.

This sentiment seems to fly with other aviation experts who lean away from the the celebration.

Some seasoned travellers think certain behaviours are simply not on when it comes to proper in-flight manners. Gemma Brown from Travel Republic voiced her opinion, saying: “When the plane lands, avoid clapping as it can appear rude to the pilots, as though you’re undermining their skill.

“If you want to show some love for a job well done, yoy can show your appreciation at the end of the flight with a polite thank you. The pilot and crew will usually wait at the exit giving you an opportunity to show your gratitude.”

What should you do when the plane lands?

As soon as the wheels touch down, here’s what you should do

Stick to your seat

  • It’s important to remain seated with your seatbelt securely fastened until the aircraft has come to a complete stop and the seatbelt sign is turned off by the crew
  • Keeping your seatbelt on is crucial for safety as it’s common to feel a jolt or braking when the plane touches down

Don’t use your phone until it’s allowed

  • Make sure you phone in airplane mode until the flight crew announces that it’s safe to turn it off or reconnect to cellular service

Listen out for instructions

  • It’s important to attention to announcements made by the flight crew regarding deplaning or travel connections.

Collect your things

  • Organise your carry-on items when still seated so you’re ready to exit when it’s your turn.

What should you do when leaving the plane?

Wait to be called

  • You should wait for your row to be called or for the rows ahead of you to leave before standing. Avoid rushing or overcrowding the aisle.

Make sure you’ve taken everything

  • Check you’ve taken all your belongings
  • Look under the seat, in the overhead bin, and in your seat’s back pocket for any items you may have left behind (e.g., passport, phone, headphones, etc.).

Say thank you to the crew

  • It’s always polite to thank the flight attendants as you exit the plane.

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