A woman was left raging after her ex kept stringing her along after their relationship, but then found a woman who was ‘exactly his type’, leading her to lash out

Looks aren’t everything in a relationship, but it can be assumed that you like the physical attributes your other half has.

However, one woman was left feeling uncomfortable when her ex-boyfriend used to hammer home how much she wasn’t his type – despite the fact that he’d chosen to be with her.

The pair had been “on and off” for 11 months after their breakup, with her ” telling him to change and him not making an effort”. But when she found out that he’d found someone new who was “exactly his type”, she was left fuming, accusing him of ruining her “self-confidence”.

She explained on Mumsnet: “I’m blonde and girly. His type is either goth or Asian. He made me feel like s*** for not being his type. Told me I am his only type but then proceeded to make me feel the opposite with s*** he says eg ‘brown hair is my favourite’.”

The lass said she’d managed to go no-contact with her ex-boyfriend for two weeks, however, when she found out that he was dating somebody new, she decided that she needed to text him.

“I’ve now sent him a f***ing essay of passive-aggressive s**t basically that I’m happy for him but he’s a liar and a cheat and then blocked him”, she fumed, but the woman was worried that she’d given him “the upper hand” because he’ll know she’s “bothered” by finding out that he’s with someone else.

She ended her post by writing: “He’s a narcissist and a cheat and an a**hole but I am still bothered”, but people told her to step back from the situation, and soon she’d be over it.

One wrote: “You don’t need the upper hand, he’s history. Give yourself a week to feel upset and angry and then get on with a calmer, nicer life without him.” Another penned: “Just break up with the idiot. Why are you allowing this s***?”

Someone else suggested: “You are being unreasonable by putting anything down to looks. Sounds like there was a lot more wrong with your relationship than you being blonde and girly…

“Do yourself a favour and don’t dwell on your appearance – you’re wrecking your own self-esteem. Oh and stop texting him, he’s moved on. And TRUST me, you will too. But you have to go no contact first.”

Do you have a story to share? Email: danielle.wroe@mirror.co.uk

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