A man has been branded ‘spineless’ after he shared the way he got revenge on an entitled fellow plane passenger who used his foot space for his own personal luggage area

A man’s post on Reddit about how he tackled an entitled traveller on a cramped flight has social media users can’t stop arguing about his unconventional approach.

He shared: “I was on a packed flight, in one of the last rows of an MD80, right near the lavatory (bathroom). Was settled in my aisle seat and right before they close the boarding door, this burly biker-looking dude gets on and has no space in the overhead for one of his bags.

“He puts one in the last space in the overhead, then to my surprise, stuffs his small duffel bag under the seat in front of me, where my (minimal) leg room is. He gives me this dirty look, daring me to say something. I pretend not to notice, he takes his seat on the other side of the plane and we take off.”

Just before the descent, the man, seeking revenge, went to use the loo and seized an opportunity. He recounted: “I go into the lav, and there is the typical puddle of urine on the floor in front of the toilet. I rub my foot into the puddle (I was wearing an old pair of sneakers), come out of the lav and hop on my other foot back to my seat.”

He continued: “I then rubbed my p***-covered shoe bottom all over the duffel bag at my feet. I got off the plane before the biker dude (he was in a window seat a couple rows back) so I didn’t get to see his reaction but I hope he enjoyed the aroma.”

Readers were less than amused with his urine-soaked revenge, with one commenting: “Having just come back from a 14 hour plane packed in like a sardine, I am a little triggered by this post. Biker dude or not, I would have said something or called the flight attendant for an abandoned bag.” Another added their two cents: “Yeah this is where you have to be an adult and speak up. Shame on you.”

A third chimed in with criticism: “He wasn’t even in your row?!?!?! I mean, I applaud your pettiness, but just letting his bag stay there was pretty spineless of you…” However, some found humour in the situation, with one person joking: “I bet he was p*****.” And another couldn’t resist saying: “Urine my territory now!”

Do you have a story to share? Email eve.wagstaff@reachplc.com

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