TikTok users reacted to Steph Bohrer’s post about the jaw-dropping note the tourist received at a busy airport – and the pilot’s sweet words have divided opinion
A tourist received a note from a pilot expressing his admiration for her.
Steph Bohrer, 23, posted about her experience on TikTok, a video which has divided opinion. The handwritten message, scrawled on the back of a brown napkin, reads: “I have seen the whole world and you are the most beautiful woman in it.”
Steph, a content creator, received the note in the airport as she sat, waiting to board her flight in the US. The pilot placed it on the table in front of her and walked away, Steph said in the TikTok.
The content creator, who is from New Jersey, posted the video to her one million followers this week. The 11-second clip has been viewed more than seven million times.
TikTok users noticed the pilot had left an illegible signature on the napkin. Steph said, in the footage, she did not see the pilot’s face during the brief interaction.
One viewer said: “He’s probably married with five kids.” Another wrote: “He didn’t leave a number because he’s someone’s husband.” They left a red flag emoji beside their reply.
“Me thinking he probably has three families in three different states,” shared another TikTok user. A further social media user said: “I feel like he just carries a STACK of these in his pocket.”
But others said they thought the gesture was sweet and suggested the pilot’s intentions were harmless. One poster joked: “Free flights for life sound good to me.”
Another TikTok user shared: “Think this is your sign to make a wedding board, babe.” A further user penned: “That’s quite a sweet thing to do really.” The video has had more than 1.2 million likes on the popular social media app.
Last year, a plane passenger was utterly “weirded out” when another flier left her a note at the end of their journey. The woman said: “As I was getting off the plane – the man behind me handed me a piece of paper and said ‘take this and read it later. I promise it’s not creepy’. I took it and read it later. It was a handwritten note complimenting my hair at length.”