Vet Amir Anwary has taken to TikTok to share a video about his biggest pet peeve, and it’s safe to say it’s definitely got people talking – with some even agreeing with him

Jobs can get hectic now and then, even for those who are following their passions.

Take Amir Anwary, a dedicated vet who uses TikTok to share glimpses of his professional life. He loves his job despite the challenges it poses.

He recently revealed his major “pet peeve” about dog owners in a viral TikTok video. Despite his commitment to animal health, he expressed frustration with an issue that seems to irk him about dog owners.

In his frank TikTok post, which has sparked widespread online discussion, he divulged the irritation. He demonstrated a typical vet-owner exchange in his video, saying: “Veterinarian: Your dog almost died but we managed to stop the bleeding and had to remove the spleen.”

According to him, dog owners frequently retort: “I’m so glad but, um, you forgot to clip the nails.”

Although he presented the scenario with humour, the vet pointed out that this could be a real annoyance. It appears dog owners are hung up on nail trims no matter the severity of their pet’s medical needs.

The video has attracted more than 50,000 views since being posted and prompted a flurry of responses. Amir owned up to it being his chief pet peeve, although opinions among viewers differed.

One commenter sided with the clients: “I’m with the patient on this one, because then I’ll book another nail appointment, which he has to be asleep for, and it’s another $200 (£162.61) bill.”

One person shared a shocking tale online, saying: “We had a dog have a heart attack at its grooming appointment. Luckily we have a vet right next to us, and they were able to get him back, but the owner was upset we couldn’t continue to groom!!

Meanwhile, another chimed in with a pragmatic take on pricey healthcare for pets, saying: “The vet bills are insane so it makes sense to get your money’s worth.”

And yet another joined the conversation, expressing bewilderment at some grooming habits, saying: “I honestly don’t know why most people are obsessed with nail trims, especially when half of the time they don’t need doing.”

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