The animal was dubbed a ‘dogxim’ by researchers who worked with the animal in Brazil. It is believed she is the first ever hybrid of a dog and fox and scientists say she may not be alone

Scientists in Brazil were buzzing with excitement after stumbling upon an “amazing” new creature – a unique blend of a dog and a fox. This perplexing animal, nicknamed a ‘dogxim’, found itself at the emergency room of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul’s veterinary hospital after being hit by a car back in 2021.

The confused vets were unable to pinpoint whether they were treating a fox or a domestic pooch, which led them to pursue genetic testing. The long-anticipated results have recently been released, proposing that this critter is actually the maiden example of a dog-fox hybrid.

Sporting traits from both its kin, with sizeable pointy ears, dense bristly coat, and an elongated sharp muzzle, the ‘dogxim’ unfortunately passed away earlier this year due to mysterious reasons. Post the revelation of the DNA test outcomes, its true significance has come to light.

The medical team was intrigued by how the enigmatic animal straddled the line between tame and wild – shown by its preference for live prey over traditional kibble and its initial hesitation around humans. Contrary to what one might expect from a feral beast, it wasn’t overtly hostile.

Flavia Ferrari, an animal conservationist who closely monitored the behaviour of the ‘dogxim’, witnessed its evolution in comfort around humans. Flavia commented: “She was an amazing animal, really a hybrid between a pampas fox and a dog,” reports the Daily Record.

“It was not as docile as a dog, but it also lacked the aggressiveness of a wild canid when handled. She had a shy and cautious personality, generally preferring to stay away from people. Over the time she was hospitalised for treatment, I believe she started to feel safer.”

Tests revealed that the creature – which barked like a dog and enjoyed playing with toys – possessed 76 chromosomes, a blend of those found in foxes and dogs. Scientists speculate that the animal’s mother was a pampas fox and her father a domestic dog, although his breed remains unknown.

The creature was neutered as part of her treatment, but researchers theorise she may have been capable of reproduction and that more dog-fox hybrids exist in the wild. Bruna Elenara Szynwelski of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, who conducted tests on the animal, stated: “In our study we recorded the first case of hybridisation between one species of wild canid and the domestic dog.”

The findings were published in the journal Animals, leading scientists to suspect there may be more such hybrids in the wild. This isn’t the first instance of domestic dogs interbreeding with wild species, including coyotes, wolves, and dingos, but these have typically been within the same genus or biological group.

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