A poll of 2,000 actively dating adults has revealed the biggest turn-offs when it comes to dating – and some of them are more controllable than others

The biggest dating turn-offs include excessive phone use during a date, chewing loudly – and bad breath, according to research.

A poll of 2,000 adults actively dating found smoking, bad dress sense, and arriving late were also featured highly in the list of top 40 turn offs.

Over two thirds (64%) admitted they wouldn’t date someone with poor oral hygiene. 14% would get the ick if their date had food stuck in their teeth – but a polite 70% would at least tell them about it.

Rosemarie Maka, Oral Healthcare expert for Philips Sonicare, which commissioned the research, said: “We all know how important it is to make a good first impression, but there’s even more pressure on this when it comes to dating.”

“As the saying goes, the trouble with them is that you only get to make one, and if you blow it, it’s hard to come back from.”

The study found garlic-heavy foods, sushi with strong fish and onions were the top foods to avoid when on a date.

Other top dating no-no’s include talking too much about an ex (52%), interrupting conversations (49%) and swearing too much (36%). And a staggering 92% would be turned off if their date got too drunk and started slurring their words.

As many as 25% also believe they’ve been ‘catfished’ – and turned up on a date to find the person looked totally different from their pictures.

A quarter of people believe that looks matter ‘a great deal’ when on a date, with 18 to 24 year olds being the most likely to hold this view.

Two thirds confessed that if their date showed even one off-putting trait during their first meeting, they’d probably not see them again. In fact, 30% have bailed on a date early due to their partner’s cringe-worthy behaviour.

However, some of these turn-offs can be overlooked, with 38% admitting they’d forgive someone for arriving late, and another third would overlook un-ironed clothes.

But only a tiny 10% would consider a second date with someone who had bad breath.

Presenter, social media influencer and ‘Saving Grace’ podcaster GK Barry advised: “It’s essential to always do a last-minute breath check and make sure you don’t have anything stuck in your teeth before a date.”

“My teeth looked pearly white before my first date with ‘Eyelashes’, and arguably that’s how I got her.”

Rosemarie Maka chimed in: “Making a positive first impression is so much about how you feel rather than how you look.”

“When you feel fresh and confident you’re so much more likely to be able to relax and show your best self and one very easy way to help do that is with an effective toothbrush pre-date.”


  1. Poor hygiene
  2. Lying or being dishonest
  3. Bad breath
  4. Rudeness to waitstaff or service workers
  5. Overly aggressive behaviour
  6. Arrogance or excessive bragging
  7. Constantly talking about an ex
  8. Being rude or dismissive of others’ opinions
  9. Excessive phone use during a date
  10. Being overly controlling or jealous
  11. Not listening or interrupting often
  12. Being overly negative or complaining a lot
  13. Talking with a mouth full of food
  14. Bad manners at the table
  15. Lack of empathy or emotional intelligence
  16. Being overly critical or judgmental
  17. Being too pushy or clingy
  18. Constantly checking out other people
  19. Inappropriate or offensive jokes
  20. Someone chewing with their mouth open
  21. Smoking
  22. Chewing loudly
  23. Regular use of bad language
  24. Trying to rush the relationship
  25. Being too secretive or evasive
  26. Lack of personal boundaries
  27. Talking about money too much
  28. Talking too much about material possessions
  29. Talking too much about oneself
  30. Arriving late
  31. Poor grooming/in need of a haircut
  32. Bad clothes
  33. Inappropriate or revealing clothing for the occasion
  34. Lack of ambition or goals
  35. Constant licking of lips
  36. Unironed clothes
  37. Bad makeup
  38. Getting food stuck in their teeth
  39. Bad shoes
  40. Someone having a particularly small or large mouth

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