Charlotte Holmes claims to have died for 11 minutes and gone to both Heaven and Hell, before God told her she had to go back and send humanity an urgent message

A great-grandmother claims she died, took a tour of both heaven and hell before returning “with a message” from God.

Charlotte Holmes claims she visited her doctor for a heart check-up in September 2019 when things suddenly went pear-shaped, with medical staff left gobsmacked as her blood pressure went off the charts, leading them to warn she was on the cusp of either a heart attack or stroke.

The event, she claims, kickstarted her epic roundtrip through what Christians believe awaits in the hereafter. Mrs Holmes, from Wichita, Kansas, said the experience lasted 11 minutes, and stunned medics into declaring her clinically dead shattering the general five-minute rule used to confirm a death.

Her partner Danny recounted the story to the Christian Broadcasting Networks The 700 Club, the Daily Star reports. She said: “Immediately, they call this code and everybody started rushing in. They just started working on her and I thought ‘Well, I’m wondering if I’m even going to be able to bring her home.’.”

Danny said his partner started speaking about entities that weren’t in the room, which he claims is cast-iron proof she had drifted to another dimension. Mrs Holmes said: “I was above my body. I could see them doing chest compressions. I could see them, all the nurses around. I could smell the most beautiful flowers I’ve ever smelled. And then I heard music.”

She states she next thing she knows, she was in heaven, where she apparently encountered “no fear” but “only joy”. She explained: “I saw my mum. I saw my dad. I saw my sister. I saw family members standing behind. I saw saints of old. They didn’t look old. They didn’t look sick. None of them wore glasses.”

Behind her mother she saw bright light, adding: “I knew it was my Heavenly Father.” She said things took a darker turn when “God took me to the edge of Hell”. She continued: “I looked down and the smell – rotten flesh – that’s what it smelled like. And screams. After seeing the beauty of Heaven, the contrast of seeing Hell is almost unbearable.”

Then, she claims that God told her: “He says, ‘I show you this to tell you if some of them do not change their ways, this is where they shall reside.’ I heard my Father say, ‘You have time to go back and share.'”. The nan claims to have made a full recovery and after two weeks of observation was released from hospital.

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