A chef has shared a simple trick to help you poach eggs like a professional, and all you need to do is add a simple ingredient to water when you cook the eggs

Indulging in a perfectly oozing poached egg is one of life’s simple pleasures.

Served on toast or partnered with ham or fish, there’s a host of delicious ways to relish this delectable dish. Yet, crafting the perfect poached egg can often be a culinary challenge that many food enthusiasts struggle with.

Fear not, as kitchen secrets are out thanks to a chef’s revelation on how to achieve impeccable poached eggs every single time. The magic ingredient? Just a splash of vinegar in your poaching water.

A top chef at London’s trendsetting Fallow Restaurant has revealed the fail-safe method to nail poaching eggs like an absolute pro. According to them, it’s all about the simple touches that make a monumental difference.

Showcased in a TikTok clip, the chef demonstrates beginning with an egg plunged into water, but then comes the secret ingredient. A dash of vinegar is the touch needed to transform your meal-making process.

In the clip, he explains: “You want around 85 to 90 degrees, three minutes. People always say you need to stir the water.

“Personally, I don’t believe you really need to. If you’re not cooking with vinegar, I guess the stirring method could work, but I always use vinegar.

“Just get it out of the water, plunge it right into ice water. There you go – perfectly poached egg.”

The video has been viewed more than 3,000 times since it was shared, and people were quick to comment too. They all admitted they poach eggs in different ways.

One enthusiastic home cook shared their experience online, saying: “10-1 vinegar ratio usually helps me.”

Echoing the sentiment, another person commented: “Looks great. I usually put vinegar in a cup or something that fits the egg in, then let the egg sit for 30 minutes. Then there is no excess egg white.”

The reason why you should add vinegar

It’s all down to science. Adding vinegar to the poaching water works wonders because its acidity makes the egg whites solidify faster.

This prevents them from spreading too thinly across your pan. As a result, you’re blessed with a tighter, beautifully shaped poached egg.

Thanks to vinegar’s setting effect on the egg whites, everything stays neat and encased – a trick that’s sure to elevate your breakfast plate.

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