The Aura Smart Sleep Mask is designed to help you sleep by offering total blackout and relaxation, but does it actually work? We put it to the test to find out

After ditching caffeine, I noticed a significant improvement in my sleep issues. However, stress and occasional indigestion still lead to some restless nights.

So, I decided to give the Aura Smart Sleep Mask a whirl on those challenging nights. The mask promises total blackout for an immersive darkness experience. It also features ‘Aura DreamScapes’ – customisable audio experiences designed to aid relaxation.

The mask comes with a detachable magnetic cushion for comfort and eyelash protection during sleep. This is where you can also use one of their aromatherapy add-ons, which they claim enhances the experience with French lavender essential oils.

It’s Bluetooth compatible, allowing you to personalise your sounds using the ‘audio balance’ feature, reports the Liverpool Echo.

The ‘smart duration’ function uses integrated motion sensors to detect sleep micromovements, ensuring sounds are turned off within 90 minutes to support a healthy circadian rhythm. Plus, its wireless and Bluetooth-less connection eliminates the need to fiddle with your phone during wind-down.

The mask claims to hold a charge for seven nights. So, does it deliver on its promises?

The mask is sleek and the speakers are of high quality, loud enough for you but not disturbing to anyone sharing your bed. It comes with a built-in soundscape so you can simply charge it and use it.

On my first night trying it out, despite the bedroom light and lamp being on and my husband moving about, I was in complete darkness.

I didn’t even intend to fall asleep but found myself drifting off in less than 10 minutes. The following night, I tried it with the lavender aromatherapy feature, which I feared might be too strong – it wasn’t, they’ve nailed the balance perfectly.

The mask also has gentle lights that can be customised and give a sense of sensory deprivation. Once again, I fell asleep within minutes.

Over the past two months of using it, albeit not daily, it has never slipped off during sleep. It’s secure without being tight and extremely lightweight.

Turning it on and charging it was straightforward, and I found their claim of a seven-night charge to be entirely accurate, which is handy if you’re like me and tend to forget these everyday tasks.

The Aura Smart Sleep Mask is also excellent for just enjoying some peace and quiet, a moment to yourself. While I haven’t taken it on any trips yet, I believe it would be ideal for long flights and unfamiliar hotels where potential distractions could keep you awake.

The downsides?

At times, I noticed the magnetic cushion tends to slide around a bit, but it’s optional and not necessary. Also, the app and email updates can sometimes be overwhelming, but again, this is optional and can be customised to your preference.

It’s clear that a lot of consideration has been put into this sleep mask to ensure it’s lightweight, comfortable, and still provides a level of blackout and relaxation that can whisk you away to the realm of sleep, a daytime snooze or a few moments of meditation to escape the stresses of everyday life.

This level of thoughtfulness is perhaps why the price tag of £175 ($229.00) is slightly higher than I’d prefer, and there are less expensive masks available. However, if you’re in the market for a mask that offers a spa-like experience with complete blackout, comfort, aromatherapy, soundscapes and won’t slip off while you sleep – this is of excellent quality and highly recommended.

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